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Samanta Fink
User Research Manager
About you
Seasoned researcher specialized in strategic design, worked both as a consultant and in-house in product design and optimization, service design, customer experience, business strategy, and innovation.
Total work experience
7-10 yrs
I can work legally in
Argentina, European Union
1 month
Current work sector
Technology(Other), Consulting(N/A), HR & Recruitment(Research)
English (US)(Fluent), Spanish(First Language)
Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Postgraduate Degree - Masters of Anthropology, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires, Buenos Air, Argentina
Postgraduate Degree - MBA of Project Management - Business Administration, EAE Business School
Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Work experience
User Research Manager, Mews
2022 - Present
Sr. Strategic Design Researcher, BBVA (embedded)
2019 - 2022
UX/CX Research Lead, Baufest
2019 - 2020
Workplace preferences
Ideal workplace
Office meetings
Flexible working hours
Speed of change
Work from home policy
Ideal job
Desired job title
Innovation Consultant
Position type
Kaggle profile
Not added
Personal data
For how many years have you been writing code and/or programming?
1 year
For how many years have you used machine learning methods?
1 year
Have you ever published any academic research (papers, preprints, conference proceedings, etc)?
Select the title most similar to your current role (or most recent title if retired)
Manager (Program, Project, Operations, Executive-level, etc)
Select any activities that make up an important part of your role at work: (Select all that apply)
  • Analyze, understand and visualize data to influence product or business decisions
  • Other
  • Do research that advances the state of the art of machine learning
Approximately how much money have you spent on machine learning and/or cloud computing services at home or at work in the past 5 years (approximate $USD)?
$0 ($USD)
Approximately how many times have you used a TPU (tensor processing unit)?
What is the size of the company where you are employed?
1000-9,999 employees
Approximately how many individuals are responsible for data science workloads at your place of business?
Technical skills
Production-Grade ML
AB testing
Industry experience
Technology and Information Services
Data analytics
Other use cases
Retail and E-commerce
Other use cases
Marketing and Advertising
Targeted advertising
Customer segmentation
Sentiment analysis
Market trend analysis
Other use cases
Media and Entertainment
Audience analytics
Creation of personalized media experiences
Other use cases